Saturday, January 26, 2008

Barack Obama reminds me of...

Just who is it that Obama reminds you of? Can't quite put your finger on it can you?

The bass voice, the inflection, the cadence, and the catch phrases? How about former pro wrestler Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson! That's right The Rock! Obama realizes how popular the wrestler turned action movie star is, and decided that he could do worse than The Rock for his role model.

In my opinion Obama is pinning his whole campaign on sounding like another mixed race, larger than life actor. The problem is that most fan's of The Rock would already be voting for Obama anyway. What he needs to be doing is charming the pants off of the women voters. Hillary probably thinks she has them sewn up, but I know women, and they will fall for the old insincere charm. It worked for Bill didn't it?

The Clintons will destroy Obama's career if that's what it takes to get the nomination. Not that Obama has much of a record himself, but he needs to expose Hillary's failings in public office. He would be foolish not to. Unless he's already resigned himself to being her vice prez. If so he can kiss his future in politics goodbye.

His running as Hill's VP would probably insure a victory. But, HC in office for four years would destroy everyone and everything around her, effectively ending Obama' public life. It would be much better for him to get the publicity this election, and then run in four years. Either way, by then Hill will be finished. Then it would be time!

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